Wednesday, July 15, 2009 inner pants!!! O~O
OH MAN OH MAN!!!!! It was so embarassing!!!!!!! Just now before entering the library, after putting down my bag and files on the floor,my inner pants felt like it was about to fall or more like it was way below my waist so yeah felt very uncomfortable. The normal thing to do is to pull it up unconsciously, but WHOOOPE DO i didn't even cared about the people behind me and so i just pulled it up which to some would look like i had a wedgie or vacuum (some may call it). In the struggle to pull my pants up, i turned around and WHOAH! This guy was like bending down to pick his beg up, he was watching the whole scene and worst of all, he is like only a few inches away!!!! By the time my brain switched on to stop the whole process, it was already too late, as his head got up to see who in the world is this shameless PIG, he saw my face. BOy oh BOy should you see the looks on his face-- it was like a mixture of disgust and confussion and it ended with hidden laughter the minute he recognised my face......GArrrrrrrrr.. the next thing i could do was turn back and avoid his i was like trying to drink water and i nearly choke coz my friend Wani was trying hard to understand why i was behaving like that and when she did i couldn't even SWALLOW!!! oh man so embbarassing!!!!! the worst thing is, this happened in my school and the odds of bumping into that guy would be like what,10 in like 15 times!!!!! D=

anywhoo, i could only laugh.......and yeah continue what i was supposed to do. NO not pull my pants up! Go to the library lah!!!! AIGO!!!!!