Yeash I miss you alot.....and yesterday i wished i got to chat with you.....You know who you are.....
Yesh last night my bro was playing the Hercules cartoon and I loved one of the songs which is so wow to me lah....
the lyric goes....
No man is worth the aggravasion
lalalala i don't know the others
and then
You swoon, you sigh, why deny it oh oh....(the backup singers)
It's too cliche, I won't say I'm in love.....(the girl)
and then there is this part in the song where it says....
You're doing flips read our lips (the back up singers)
YOu're in love!!!
Hahahah yeah it's nice will put it in the song list soon....and um.....
I'm pretty confused these days.....have been having personal problems..the blahs are coming again and my feelings and emotions are getting tender and sensitive.....I miss the times when I can smile despite the bad things that happened.....
I really miss you so much...wish you were here all of you......=)
I hate it when I'm emo.......